brand dynamics

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection-ag贵宾会



we are announcing fashion icon yang mi

as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

committed to incorporating fashion and technology into its down jackets,

bosideng is joining hands with stylish yang mi

to create distinctive fashion looks for fall winter 2019 collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

functional elements and stylish design

help create urban looks and gain practicality for outdoor activities

600-fill down with down content of 90% and high fill power

is her secret weapon to stay warm and comfortable while exploring outdoors.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.


classic workwear design and bright and visually striking colors

are her secret weapon to attract attention while walking on the street.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.

announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection.


interspersion of bright colors and models fit for the body shapes of easterners

are her secret weapon to become unique, beautiful and fashionable.


announcement! we are announcing yang mi as the spokesperson for our bosideng x designer collection


lighter microfiber fabric enabling free movement

is her secret weapon to dress casually and comfortably.


these are yang mi’s secrets to stay warm and stylish.

do you get them?

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